Morally Legal Marriage
A Natural
Marriage, which is a marriage between one man and one woman, is comparable to a
Morally Legal Marriage (defined by God in the Holy Bible, Genesis 2:23-25).
i. Natural Marriage has the moral good of opposite-sex
couples united in one reality as it alone holds this inclusive realization of
This is God’s two in one flesh principle (Matthew
19:5-6, Mark 10:8, 1Corinthians 6:16, Ephesians 5:31).
ii. Natural Marriage has the moral good of an opposite-sex
couple’s reproductive family plan consisting of: unitive marital intercourse,
procreation, establishing paternity, offspring development.
Marriage CANNOT be understood apart from principle;
not procreating for opposite-sex couples is only incidentally impossible, not
impossible in principle.
Procreation is a primary reason for marriage. The uniting of the sexual organs creates the
one flesh reality with purpose.
If you are considering marriage for purposes that do
not include procreation then you are considering a marriage that is
unscriptural (Genesis 1:27-28).
iii. Natural Marriage has the moral good of an opposite-sex
couple’s unbreakable nuptial bond of friendship defined as: the endowment of an
intrinsic complimentary friendship and fidelity that is instinctive only
between a man and a woman resultant from the unitive joining.
Only a Morally Legal Marriage according to God has
this friendship, as God’s intent was to create a “help meet” for man in woman
(Genesis 2:18).
iv. Natural Marriage has the moral good of the
opposite-sex couple’s self-perpetuation and replenishment of mankind
universally, which in turn perpetuates nations and strengthens societies (the
main reason why states bestow numerous benefits on marriage and protect it is
because it is in their best interests).
v. Natural Marriage has the moral good of an opposite-sex
couple's conjugal love with the added benefit of the ability to create life
from within (not an external addition) in order to also express mutual giving
and caring that is innately benevolent, and accepts the sacrifices based on
ideals that can withstand the demands of a permanent monogamous bond built on
original worth and normality.
vi. Natural Marriage has the moral good of an opposite-sex
couple’s ability to foster marital morality in a beneficial atmosphere geared
toward the upbringing of children by inculcating the fundamental principles of
marriage by example under conventional conditions with intuitive affection, as
it alone contains the paterfamilias and materfamilias distinctively and
inherently capable of providing the authentic illustration of marriage with
institutional stability.
The combination of the male and female not only
completes and perfects the other by providing spiritual, physical, emotional,
and intellectual needs, but that happiness and intimacy is intended to promote
an environment favorable for bringing forth children, and raising them in a
family setting.
There is no greater task for a husband and wife in
this world than procreating and raising children in a godly way.
A marriage that fails voluntarily to do this is an
unrighteous marriage.
If you are a married or considering marrying, but for
some other reason (career, school, money, etc.), and you have chosen not to
allow the procreative process to function, then you are going against the
purposes of God as it relates to marriage.
vii. Therefore, a Morally Legal Marriage (as defined by
God) possesses the moral goods found only in opposite-sex couples.
- God instituted the Morally Legal Marriage to seal one man and one woman in such a bond that their union would be of the uttermost profit to His plans and purposes for mankind and this world.
- Marriage as established by God is meant to bring companionship and intimacy. It is meant not only to procreate but to make us more like Christ. We are to become more holy through it, not find ways to fulfill selfish pleasures. Through this companionship one should learn to confront their weaknesses and become more spiritually disciplined, not find relief for carnal desires.
- Marriage is to be a partnership that helps us grow in areas of benevolence, service, and honor; to learn to grow from understanding our faults, to learn how to forgive and be forgiven, and to lay aside our selfish ambitions and draw closer to God.
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